Specialist Services

Strandhill Surgery offers a number of specialist services that are available to both registered and non-registered patients.

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Our specialist services include:

We have a special interest in Sports and Exercise Medicine here at Strandhill Surgery and are involved in team sports.

This involves many areas including the from the recreational walker to the high level athlete. Our goal is to help our patients live a healthy and active life that incorporates regular exercise. And to provide our high level athletes with the treatment and advice they require to achieve optimum performance.

  • We provide Assessment and Diagnosis of Musculoskeletal Injuries.
  • We can advise on appropriate investigations.
  • We have extensive knowledge on rehab of all injuries including addressing possible biomechanical issues.

The doctors at Strandhill surgery have a good relationship and extensive knowledge of local therapists and national specialists that can aid in the treatment of all acute and chronic injuries.

Certain joint problems are very treatable with injection therapy. We also perform injections for issues such as Trigger Finger and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

At Strandhill Surgery we use two forms of injection therapy. Corticosteroid and Hyaluronic Acid are used in our injection therapies.

What joints can we treat?

We can treat all joints of the body with injection therapy.

What is corticosteroid?

This is an anti-inflammatory agent that works well to reduce pain and inflammation in moderate to severe osteoarthritis.

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a gel-like substance that is naturally present throughout the human body. In the joints, natural hyaluronic acid has several functions, including:

  • Lubrication. Hyaluronic acid binds well to water, producing a viscous, jelly-like consistency. This viscous fluid provides lubrication and also acts as a shock absorber within the joint.
  • Growth of cartilage and bone. Hyaluronic acid helps in the growth and development of joint’s cartilage and bone by promoting the growth of new cells and tissues.
  • Reducing inflammation. Hyaluronic acid plays an important role in reducing joint inflammation and pain caused by injury or tissue degeneration.

Are joint injections covered by health insurance?

Yes, all the main insurance providers will cover the cost of the injection however there will be a charge for the consultation with the doctor.

Are joint injections covered by Medical Card or Doctor visit card?

No, there is an extra surcharge of €70 for the procedure in these cases.

We perform minor surgical procedures under local anaesthetic, within in our clinic.

Our patients appreciate the convenience of treatment at a time that suits them, with easy access to our clinic and a quick return to their home or work.

Procedures performed include including Implanon insertion/removal, removal of cysts, removal of non pigmented skin lesions and skin biopsies. We have extensive experience in these procedures.

All of these procedures are fully or partly covered by your health insurance provider.

We provide holistic care for women experiencing symptoms relating to menopause or who have concerns about their medical and psychological health at this time.

Most women go through their menopause from 48-52 years, but prior to their periods stopping indefinitely they may have several years of erratic periods and/or menopausal symptoms, notably sweats and flushes, which can negatively impact their quality of life, causing poor sleep and concentration.

There are often other stresses and events ongoing at this time, with family issues and maybe caring for elderly parents and the stress may compound menopausal symptoms, so effective management of these (including the use of HRT) can greatly improve a woman’s physical and psychological health and quality of life.

As part of menopause consultations, we provide advice on related issues, including osteoporosis prevention, continence problems, blood pressure checks and heart disease prevention.

There are two very informative websites that offer useful advice on the menopause:

www.menopausematters.co.uk and www.womens-health-concern.org

Cryotherapy is where Liquid Nitrogen (a very cold liquid at -78 degrees Celsius) is sprayed on to the skin lesions in order to remove them.

What can be treated with Cryotherapy?

Warts, Verrucas and benign skin lesions are very amenable to treatment with Liquid Nitrogen.

Does my health insurance cover the cost of Cryotherapy?

Yes. All the main insurance providers cover the cost of the Cryotherapy, but there will still be a charge for consultation with the doctor.

Does my Medical Card or Doctor Visit Card cover the cost of Cryotherapy?


We provide a comprehensive travel vaccination and travel advice service.

We advise people intending to travel to book a pre-travel vaccination advice consultation, ideally a few months in advance or your trip, to allow for planning and ordering of vaccines.

For multi-destination trips, it is very useful for patients to email us in advance of the consultation with their proposed travel itinerary and previous vaccination history.

Once the vaccinations have been decided upon, Strandhill Surgery can order them and a further appointment will be issued for their administration. However, we do ask for payment in advance of their administration please.

Fit for Travel is an excellent website for useful travel-related information.

Strandhill Surgery is a HSE approved Yellow Vaccine administration centre.

We are happy to provider this service to any local business. We do this on regular basis for some of the local employers.

We can also provide personal one off pre-employment medicals depending on your employers requirements.

Nosebleeds are fairly common, particularly in children, and can usually be easily treated at home. The medical name for a nosebleed is epistaxis.

How do nosebleeds occur?

The inside of the nose is full of tiny blood vessels which can bleed if they are disturbed. This is usually the result of a minor injury that is caused by picking or blowing your nose. Nosebleeds can also occur if the mucous membrane (the moist lining) inside the nose dries out and becomes crusty.

How do I treat recurrent nose bleeds?

The majority (90%) of bleeds occur in Little’s area, which is at the very front inside part of your nasal septum (wall dividing the nose). These bleeds usually resolve with mild pressure being applied on the outside of the nostrils for 15 min. In 10 % of cases bleed occur high up in the back of the nasal cavity and they bleed heavily and the person will usually cough up clots of blood as a result. This is a medical emergency and in this case the person needs to go to the emergency department and not present here at the surgery.

The procedure is quick and non-invasive. The lining of the nose is treated with a small silver nitrate stick as small as matchstick. The silver nitrate that comes in contact with the lining of the nose causes a localised chemical reaction that seals the blood vessel. This is performed following application of local topical anaesthetic so there is no pain during the procedure.

In some cases we might have to treat an infection on the nose lining with a topical antibiotic cream for 10 days before sealing off the leaking blood vessel.

Fees for the procedure

The procedure itself is covered by private health insurance, but there is a charge of €30 for the pre-assessment.

If you do not have private health insurance the procedure costs €80.

Surfer’s Ear does not affect only surfer but it can affects all cold water athletes including recreational sea swimmers, open water swimmers, triathletes and subaqua athletes.

What is Surfer’s Ear?

Surfer’s Ear is a medical condition clinically known as External Auditory Canal Exostoses (EACE) or Exostoses, which is caused by repeated exposure to cold water and wind.

What causes Surfer’s Ear?

Exostoses (bony overgrowths) are formed in response to a continuous change of temperature within the ear canal. As cold water regularly swirls along the ear canal, the body responds by warming the affected area, this also stimulates bone-producing cells within the ear canal, which cause the bone surrounding the ear to develop a bony growth.

These benign bone growths can lead to infections, water trapping, hearing loss and complete closure of the ear canal if left untreated.

The condition develops slowly over time and it may take 10 to 15 years for the symptoms to appear.

Research shows that Surfer’s Ear is most likely in exposure to cold water below 19 degrees. In Sligo, the water is usually at its warmest in August and even then the average temperature ranges from 13 to 17 degrees. Therefore the the risk of exposure is year round.

How do you prevent Surfer’s Ear?

Wear earplugs while partaking in open water activities. Modern open water ear plugs are more comfortable and less invasive than ever before. Previously athletes found ear plugs obtrusive and limited their hearing. Modern ear plugs are discrete and let sound in but more importantly keep water out.

Surfer’s Ear

We use video otoscopy to track progression of surfers ear and to demonstrate visually to patients to what degree their ears are affected. We can provide patients with images of the their ear canal so they can also track any changes themselves. If it is found that you have significant surfers ear we can refer you on to our ENT specialist colleagues to discuss treatment options.

Patient Care

We take a holistic view of our patients’ health and deliver high quality medical care in a friendly personalised manner.

Our services include:

  • Children’s Health
  • Teen Health
  • Senior Health
  • Women’s Health
  • Men’s Health
  • Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • 24 Hour B.P. Monitoring
  • Sexual Health
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Vaccinations