Useful Information

Please find below convenient links to commonly used medical forms.

We have also collated a number of informative websites that focus on good health and wellbeing. Please remember though that if you do have any health concerns we would always encourage you to make an appointment with your doctor.

  • provides information, understanding and support, both for individuals who are coping with depression or bipolar as well as family members supporting a loved one.
  • provides free therapy to those engaging in self-harm, with suicidal ideation, or bereaved by suicide.
  • Samaritans offers listening and support to people who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure.
  • Postnatal Depression Ireland provides support and friendship to those suffering from Postnatal Depression.
  • Nurture Health provides counselling & training supports for Depression in Pregnancy, Post natal Depression/anxiety, Premature Babies , Traumatic Birth, Miscarriage, Loss of a baby, Crisis Pregnancy.
  • promotes positive mental health in Sligo and Leitrim, where you will find services, resources, tips and general information.
  • offers help, support and information for those affected by domestic or sexual violence.
  • offers support to women and children experiencing violence and abuse.
  • is a service that offers support to men and their families experiencing Domestic Violence in Ireland.
  • My Options is an unplanned pregnancy support service.
  • offers advice and support to family carers in Ireland.
  • Spunout is an Irish youth information website created by young people for young people.
  • offers advice and support for people coping with an eating disorder.
  • Think Ahead is an Irish Hospice Foundation programme. It provides a guide to members of the public to help you discuss and record your preferences in the event of an emergency, serious illness, or death.

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